UPPSALA UNIVERSITET MATEMATISKA INSTITUTIONEN Walter Mazorchuk, Room 74105, Tel. (018) 471-3284, e-mail: mazor@math.uu.se Algebraic structures HT2024 Preliminary Schedule nr topic chapter in [G] 1 Groups and subgroups I.1 I.3 2 Cosets and homomorphisms I.4 I.5 3 Normal subgroups and quotients I.4 4 Group actions II.3 5 Burnside's lemma II.3 6 Problem solving 7 Free groups and presentations I.7 I.8 8 Finite abelian groups VIII.6 9 Fintiely generated abelian groups VIII.6 10 Sylow theorems II.5 11 Solvable groups II.9 12 Problem solving 13 Ring miscellanea III 14 Fields and characteristic IV.1 15 Field extensions IV 16 Splitting fields V.1 17 Automorphisms and Galois group V.3 18 Problem solving 19 Fundamental theorem of Galois theory V.3 20 Computation of Galois group V.3 21 Finite fields V 22 Radical and cyclotomic extensions V.8 23 Ruler and compass constructions V.9 24 Problem solving 25 Oral Examination Course webpage: http://www2.math.uu.se/%7Emazor/teaching.html YouTube Lectures: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPWnhR29VHTAk7rZUEDQdDQ Literature: [G] Grillet, Pierre A., Abstract algebra, 2. ed., New York, Springer, 2007 Asignments: During the course four assignments will be distributed. Each assignment will consist of several problems giving the total of 40 points for the whole assignment. Solutions should be returned about a weak later. 30 or more points convert into 2 credits and 20 to 29 points into 1 credit for the final examination. So, in total, one can get at most 8 credits from the assignments. The credits are only valid if they are certified by the oral examination at the end of the course. Oral examination: Takes place during the last lecture and addresses justification of assignment solutions. As a result of it, some of the credits obtained for the assignment can be withdrawn. Examination: A written examination will take place at the end of the course (preliminary, in January 2025). It will consists of several problems for which you can collect a maximum of 32 credits. To pass one needs 18 credits (including the certified credits from the assignments). For mark 4 one needs 25 credits (including the certified credits from the assignments). For mark 5 one needs 32 credits (including the certified credits from the assignments). Recordnings: Please do not make any photos, any video and any audio recordings during the lectures.