Lecture plan: Tillämpad logik DV1 (Applied logic), vt 2004

Lectures and classes will take place in room 1311, if nothing else is indicated. "Academic quarter" will be applied below, 8-10 thus means 8.15 - 10.00.

# Date Time Text Subject
1 Mo 22/3 8-10 L 2.4 Semantics of predicate logic: Undecidability results.
2 Tu 23/3 15-17 L 2.5, E 1.1 Provability in predicate logic: Undecidability results.
Equational logic: completeness, proof search.
3 Th 25/3 8-10 E 1.1-2 Equational logic: undecidability and decidability.
The term model. Unification and matching.
4 Fr 26/3 8-10 X 1 Exercise class. Tarski's quantifier elimination
theorem and some applications.
5 Mo 29/3 13-15
room 6140
6 Tu 30/3 8-10 (FD)
7 Tu 13/4 10-12
room 1254
8 Th 15/4 13-15 (FD)
9 Tu 20/4 8-10 (FD)
10 Th 22/4 8-10 (FD)
11 Mo 26/4 8-10 C 10 Distributive lattices, Heyting algebras. Soundness and completeness for intuitionistic propositional logic.
12 Th 29/4 10-12
room 1211
C 10, F II Soundness and completeness for intuitionistic propositional logic (cont.) The tableau method for classical propositional logic.
13 Mo 3/5 10-12 F IV - V The tableau method for classical predicate logic. Gödel's completeness theorem.
14 Tu 4/5 8-10 F V, R Completeness (cont.). Resolution method. The Otter system and examples.
15 Th 6/5 8-10
Laborative exercise in Agda/Alfa (FD)
16 Fr 7/5 13-15 R, X 3 Resolution (cont.). Exercise class.
17 Mo 10/5 8-10 L 3.1-3.4 Model-checking, CTL-logic and semantical equivalences.
18 Tu 11/5 13-15 L 3.5, 6.1 Labelling algorithm for CTL-logic. Examples. Binary decision diagrams.
19 Th 13/5 13-15 L 6.2, X 4 Ordered binary decision diagrams. Reduced and canonical forms. Exercise class.

Tentamen (exam): May 26.

Course material

See the main page for complete references.


Lectures and exercise classes to be held by Erik Palmgren, except those marked FD which will be given by Fredrik Dahlgren.