Johan Tykesson
Department of mathematics
Uppsala University
Email: johan.tykesson 'at'
My research is within probability theory, in particular percolation theory. Here are some recent papers and preprints:
- Connectedness of Poisson cylinders in Euclidean space, (joint work with Erik I. Broman). (Preprint, version of 23rd of April 2013).
- On the easiest way to connect k points in the random interlacements process, (joint work with Hubert Lacoin). (Preprint, version of 5th of June 2012).
- Random interlacements and amenability, (joint work with Augusto Teixeira). To Appear in Annals of Applied Probability.
- Geometry of the random interlacement , (joint work with Eviatar Procaccia). Electronic Communications in Probability 16 (2011), 528-544.
- Percolation in the vacant set of Poisson cylinders , (joint work with David Windisch). To appear in Probability Theory and Related Fields.
- Asymptotics of visibility in the hyperbolic plane , (joint work with Pierre Calka).
- Visibility to infinity in the hyperbolic plane,
despite obstacles , (joint work with Itai Benjamini, Johan Jonasson and Oded Schramm) ALEA. Latin American Journal of Probability
and Mathematical Statistics 6 (2009), 323-342.
Here is my Ph.D. thesis from 2008: Thesis
Sannolikhetsteori 1, kandidatprogrammet i matematik
Itai Benjamini,
Pierre Calka,
Johan Jonasson,
Hubert Lacoin,
Eviatar Procaccia,
Oded Schramm,
Augusto Teixeira,
David Windisch.