(All in Mathematics at Uppsala University unless otherwise indicated.
The dates are the dates for thesis defense; the date of the exam may
Former students with Ph.D.
- Lizhong Peng,
9 April, 1986
(Stockholm University).
Dissertation: Contributions to certain problems in paracommutators.
Now (1998) at Beijing University, China.
- Robert Wallstén,
2 March, 1991.
Dissertation: Hankel operators and Schatten classes.
Now (1998) at IBM, Stockholm.
Ola Hössjer,
26 April, 1991
(Mathematical Statistics).
Robust linear regression by means of M- and R-statistics.
Now (2006) professor of Mathematical Statistics at Stockholm University.
- Mats E. Andersson,
14 December, 1993.
Dissertation: The Hausdorff-Young inequality and Fourier type.
Hans Garmo,
7 May, 1998
(Mathematical Statistics; jointly with Allan Gut).
Random railways and cycles in random regular graphs.
Now (2006) statistician at
Regional Oncologic Center in Uppsala.
Anders Öberg,
9 June, 1998
(Umeå University; jointly with Hans Wallin).
Approximation of invariant measures for iterated function
Now (2006) lecturer at Uppsala University.
Pontus Andersson (now von Brömssen),
17 December, 1999.
Random tournaments and random circuits.
Now (2008) at Skandia, Stockholm.
Lars Larsson-Cohn (now Lindhagen),
15 February, 2002.
Gaussian structures and orthogonal polynomials.
Now (2006) at SAAB, Uppsala.
Leo Larsson,
26 February, 2003
(jointly with Lars-Erik Persson).
Carlson type inequalities and their applications.
Kidane Asrat,
20 January, 2006
(assistant supervisor
Arne Andersson, Computing science).
Analysis of Algorithms for Combinatorial Auctions and Related
Niclas Petersson,
27 February, 2009.
The maximum displacement for linear probing hashing.
Cecilia Holmgren
19 February, 2010.
Split Trees, Cuttings and Explosions.
Katja Gabrysch
9 December 2016
(matematical statistics; assistant supervisor Takis Konstantopoulos).
On directed random graphs and greedy walks on point processes.
Erik Thörnblad
9 March 2018.
Degrees in random graphs and tournament limits.
Former students with Licentiate degree
- Jan Kärrman.
Licentiate degree 1991.
Licentiate thesis: Existence of proportional graphs.
Anna Petersson
(formal supervisor; real supervisors Lars Svensson, KTH
and Anders Johansson, Gävle).
Licentiate degree 15 June 2009.
Licentiate thesis:
Enumeration of spanning trees in simplicial complexes.
I have been assistant supervisor for
(in most cases I have had a very minor and mainly formal role)
Sara Maad,
29 May 2002
(main supervisor
Kyril Tintarev).
Critical point theory with applications to semilinear problems
without compactness.
Tsehaye Kahsu Araaya,
6 June 2003
(main supervisor
Sten Kaijser).
Peter Sunehag,
9 December 2003
(main supervisor
Sten Kaijser).
- Erik Ekström,
29 October 2004
(main supervisor
Johan Tysk).
Anders Pelander,
30 March 2007
(main supervisor
Anders Öberg).
Alice Lesser,
30 November 2007
(main supervisor Anders Johansson, Gävle).
Henrik Wanntorp, 30 January 2009
(main supervisor
Johan Tysk).
Optimal Stopping and Model Robustness in Mathematical Finance
Henrik Renlund, 25 March 2011
(mathematical statistics; main supervisor Sven Erick Alm).
Recursive Methods in Urn Models and First-Passage Percolation
Maik Görgens
(mathematisk statistics; main supervisor Ingemar Kaj).
Ove Ahlman (main supervisor Vera Koponen).
Filipe Mussini (main supervisor Erik Broman).
Colin Desmarais (main supervisor Cecilia Holmgren).
Fabian Burghart (main supervisor Cecilia Holmgren).
Christoffer Olsson (main supervisor Stephan Wagner).