14-18 September 2015; Yu. V. Linnik Centennial Conference,
Analytical methods in number theory,
probability theory and mathematical statistics,
Euler International Mathematical Institute, St Petersburg, Russia
8-11 September 2015; Maxwell Institute workshop on applied probability, Edinburgh, UK
9-11 September 2014; Karlskrona; ITC 26 forget it...
28 July - 1 August 2014; Buenos Aires; Stochastic Processes and their Appl.
Unfortunately, I couldn't go
because SAS and Lufthansa messed up.
Moreover, SAS, recently, sent me a totally
insulting reply. They
still have not apologized and I'm putting pressure for them to do so.
Costa Rica, 15-17 July 2013:
17th INFORMS Applied Probability Conference
[Palmowski invited me to both of the above. I'm working on my quantum mechanical properties. If there are no results by then, I may skip them both.]