Anne-Laure Thiel


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Curriculum Vitae

Complete version in pdf


02/15 - 05/15 Postdoc at Institut Mittag-Leffler, Sweden
Program Representation theory
10/14 - 01/15 Guest researcher at Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon, Portugal
09/12 - 10/14 Postdoc at Uppsala Universitet, Sweden
09/10 - 08/12 Postdoc at Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon, Portugal
10/09 - 08/10 ATER at Université de Strasbourg
10/06 - 09/09 Phd and Teaching Assistant at Université Louis Pasteur in Strasbourg


2013 - 2014 Exercise session, Linear algebra II,
2nd year of Informatics, second semester (20h)
Exercise session, Linear algebra II, 2nd year of Molecular biology
and of Material physics, first semester (40h)
2012 - 2013 Exercise session, Linear algebra II,
2nd year of Environmental engineering, second semester (20h)
2009 - 2010 Lecture and exercises, Cours intégré : Rappels de mathématiques,
L1 Sciences du vivant, first semester (90h)
2008 - 2009 Lecture and exercises, Cours intégré : Rappels de mathématiques,
L1 Sciences du vivant, first semester (68h)
2007 - 2008 Lecture and exercises, Cours intégré : Rappels de mathématiques,
L1 Sciences du vivant, first semester (68h)
2006 - 2007 Lecture and exercises, Cours intégré : Rappels de mathématiques,
L1 Sciences du vivant, first semester (23h)
Exercise session, Géométrie 3D, L2 Mathématiques,
first semester (39h)

Popularizing actions and administrative tasks

02-05/2015 Organizer of the ''Tell us about'' seminar at the Mittag-Leffler Institute
03/2015 Popularization talk for a group of highschool students visiting the
Mittag-Leffler Institute, Knots and braids
11/2008 Participation to the Sciencefest, Europe
10/2007 Participation to the Sciencefest, Mathématiques célestes,
satellites et toupies
09/2007 Co-organizer of a conference for the celebration of the 20th birthday
of the Magistère of Mathematics of Strasbourg Colloque Interdisciplinaire
à l'occasion des 20 ans du Magistère de Mathématiques de Strasbourg
Referee for peer-reviewed journals