The axiomatic method in 2-dimensional geometry makes it possible to study a plane or a surface as an object in itself without an embedding in a surrounding space. The method has its limitations though, for example distances and areas are hard or even impossible to determine. In his famous paper 1827 on curved surfaces Gauss showed how to do geometric calculations in an efficient way in a surface without having to consider the surface as embedded in a surrounding space. This work became the foundation in 1854 for Riemann's theory of curved spaces, in which the geometry of the planes in a space are determined by the space itself.
To each point
we associate a tangent plane
which is a vector space isomorphic to
To obtain a basis in each such tangent plane
the basis
is translated parallel to itself
In every tangent plane
where the point
Such a set of scalar products is called a metric or
Riemannian metric or Riemann metric on
The form
is a scalar product if
for all
The functions
are assumed to be four times continuously
differentiable with respect to
So the metric defines a positively definite bilinear form
on each tangent plane
and is an example of a tensor.
In the literature a metric is often written in the form
The expression (2) is to be interpreted as the bilinear form in (1).
This expression, the Gauss equation, is complicated
but if
the expression simplifies to
When the Gauss curvature is constant it is possible to describe
the connection between the curvature and the geometry of the plane or surface
By using the metric we can in principle solve all geometric problems in
in a plane or a surface of Gaussian curvature
The straight lines, also called geodesics, are determined from a system of ordinary differential equations
So the solution curves of this system, which correspond to the straight lines in
the plane or the surface
whose Gaussian curvature is
are curves in the open set
in the euclidean plane in which we represent the geometry of the
plane or the surface.
The distance
in the surface between two points
corresponds to the arc length of the straight line,
i.e. the geodesic,
This distance is determined by the
metric and
is obtained from the line integral
Of course it is not the euclidean distance between
with the standard scalarproduct in
which is the distance between
in the surface.
The area of a geometric figure in a plane or a surface is obtained from the
it follows from the Gauss equation that
the geometry is spherical. The area of the sphere is
The curvature
of a curve
in a plane or a
the so called geodesic curvature, is given by
Along the curves
we get
the simpler
In case
we get the even more simpler expressions
An important class of metrics are those which are proportional to the
scalar product in each
They can also be written on the form
Metrics of the type (3), (3') are called conformal. The euclidean angle
measured between two
vectors at
with the standard scalar product in
is then the same as the angle between the vectors
in the plane or surface
whose geometry we study if we use a metric like (3), (3').
An open subset
together with a metric
is often called a model of the corresponding geometry. The italian
Beltrami found in 1868 a number of suitable models for hyperbolic geometry
by using the theories of Gauss and Riemann.
These models were later used by
Poincaré and Klein in important works and therefore carry their names
The Gauss equation gives
The model is conformal
so angles are determined directly in
The straight lines are all euclidean circles
and euclidean straight lines in
which are orthogonal to
In this model
and it is also conformal.
The straight lines are all diameters and all circles orthogonal to
There are simple formulas for distances in the conformal models. Define the double ratio
denotes the euclidean distance between
PROP 1 The distance between two points
is in the
conformal models
given by the formula
In this model
and constant but the model is not conformal.
The straight lines correspond to
all euclidean chords in
including all diameters.
Even if the model is not conformal
the euclidean angle between two diameters is in fact also the angle in the
hyperbolic plane. A chord which can be extended through the pole of
another chord cuts this chord under right angles in the hyperbolic plane.
PROP 2 The distance between two points
is in the
Klein model
obtained from the formula