Department of Mathematics

Fall 2010

Applied Logic (Tillämpad Logik) 10 hp

Computer Assisted Theorem Proving 5 hp


Regarding material that can be used during the written exam see below. The deadline for the assignments 6 and 7 is extended to January 10.

General Information

  • The courses both start on Tuesday, August 31, 13.15 in Room 2:214 (MIC, Polacksbacken). The schedule for Applied Logic may be found here.
  • Course information (Applied Logic)
  • Syllabus of Applied Logic in English and in Swedish.
  • A more detailed planning will emerge at the beginning of the course. Links to earlier versions of Applied Logic can be found here: 2000, -01, -02, -04, -06, -07, -08. -09.

    Lectures and Exercise Classes

    Note: Lectures marked (*) are not included in the course Computer Assisted Theorem Proving. These require some background in logic or theoretical computer science.
    1. (Tu 31 Aug) General introduction. Formalization of logic and mathematics. Propositional logic and its encoding in Coq. vNatural deduction. Assumptions and contexts. Proof objects. Demonstration of the Coq system. Lecture notes.
    2. (Th 2 Sept) Types, Predicates and Quantifiers. Predicate logic in Coq. Short laboratory exercise: if possible bring laptops with Coq/CoqIde installed. See Coq Tutorial. Laboratory assignment 1 is here.
    3. * (Th 9 Sept) Some theoretical limits of automatic theorem proving. First order logic, completeness and incompleteness. Undecidable problems: halting problem, PCP, truth in arithmetic. Some important decidable problems.
    4. (Fr 10 Sept) Typed lambda calculus and functional programming. Type checking. Computing in Coq. Another Coq Tutorial. Gödel's system T programmed in Coq.
    5. (Tu 14 Sept) Brouwer-Heyting-Kolmogorov's constructive interpretation of logic. Constructive logic and type theory.
    6. (We 15 Sept) Intuituinistic logic. Exercise class.
    7. (Tu 21 Sept) Type theory. Dependent types. Formalization of mathematics in Coq.
    8. (Th 23 Sept) Theories and tactics in Coq. Inductive types and definitions. Demonstration of Coq. Bring computers with Coq installed.
    9. * (Fr 24 Sept) Brouwerian counter examples. Constructive logic and its relation to classical logic. Gödel-Gentzen negative interpretation.
    10. (Mo 27 Sept) Equational logic and term rewriting. Notes. Using rewriting rules in Coq.
    11. * (We 29 Sept) Seminar on Confluence of Term Rewriting Systems by Mizuhito Ogawa (JAIST), room 2214, 10.30-12.15. (Part of the Logic seminar.)
    12. (Th 30 Sept) Unification. More about term rewriting.
    13. (Th 5 Oct) Termination proofs. Well-founded sets and well-quasi orders.
    14. (Tu 12 Oct) Recursive path order. Multiset order. Notes.
    15. (Fr 29 Oct) Semantics of intuitionistic propositional logic. Heyting algebras and Kripke models. Lectures notes.
    16. (Tu 2 Nov) Model checking. Linear-time Temporal Logic (LTL). Transition systems.
    17. (We 3 Nov) The NuSMV model checker system. Computational Tree Logic (CTL). Labelling algorithms. The Sokoban transport puzzle. Java Sokoban.
    18. (Th 4 Nov) Laboratory exercise (please bring computer with NuSMV installed and see the NuSMV Tutorial by Cavada et al.) LTL and CTL in comparison. CTL*.
    19. (Mo 8 Nov) Basic modal logic. Embedding intuitionistic logic in modal logic.
    20. (Tu 9 Nov) Reasoning about knowledge in modal logic. Binary Decision Diagram (BDD).
    21. (Th 11 Nov) BDDs (cont.). Symbolic model checking. Some logical background to the resolution method.
    22. (Fr 17 Dec): Extra lecture or exercise class.
    23. December 21: written exam.
    Cursory reading: the resolution method, SAT-solvers.

    Assignments and Exercises

    Course text and notes

    Supplementary reading

    Examination (Applied Logic)

    The examination will consist of two parts.

    1. Assignments. These will involve of use of computers to do formal proofs, as well ordinary mathematical problem solving. (70% of total score)

    2. A short written examination at the end of the course (30% of total score). The written exam will have fewer technical questions than previous exams, since this is covered by assignments, but instead some more general questions about principles and methods.

    OLD EXAMS can be found here. Note: the course has changed several times, so not all problems may be relevant. The following problems are still relevant for this course

    All course material (book(s), lecture notes, handouts) and your own notes may be used during the exam.


    Some Links

    December 14, 2010, Erik Palmgren.