Department of Mathematics

Fall 2007

Applied Logic (Tillämpad Logik)


General information


  1. Lecture 1 (Aug. 30): Introduction. Undecidable problems: halting problem, PCP, truth in first order arithmetic.
  2. Lecture 2 (Sept. 4): Completeness for first order logic (FOL). Church's theorem on undecidability of provability in FOL. Non-constructive proofs.
  3. Lecture 3 (Sept. 6): Intuitionistic logic. Kolmogorov's constructive interpretation of logic as problems and solutions. A simple lambda calculus: Gödel's system T.
  4.      - Exercise class 1 (Sept 13, Anton Hedin)
  5. Lecture 4 (Sept. 18): Lazy operational semantics of system T. Semantic and syntactic typing in T. The BHK-interpretation. Abstract realizability of propositions.
  6.      - Exercise class 2 (Sept 20, A. Hedin)
  7. Lecture 5 (Sept. 24): Abstract realizability. Heyting arithmetic. Propositions-as-types.
  8.      - Exercise class 3 (Sept 27, A. Hedin)
  9. Lecture 6 (Oct. 1): Dependent types. Martin-Löf type theory. Introduction to the proof assistants Agda and Alfa.
  10. Lecture 7 (Oct. 8): Martin-Löf type theory (cont.). Demo of Alfa.
  11.      - Exercise class 4 (Oct 10, A. Hedin)
  12. Lecture 8 (Oct. 16): Type universes. The proof assistant Coq. Classical vs. intuitionistic proofs. Double-negation interpretation.
  13. Lecture 9 (Oct. 18) Proof search in intutionistic and classical propositional logic using sequent calculi.
  14. Lecture 10 (Oct 25) Proof search in predicate logic. Gallier pp. 60-74, pp. 187-206.
  15. Lecture 11 (Oct 29) Proof search using sequents (cont.). Equational logic.
  16.      - Exercise class 5 (Oct. 31)
  17. Lecture 12 (Nov 6) Equational logic. Term rewriting.
  18. Lecture 13 (Nov 8) Unification. Resolution.
  19.      - Resolution. Presentation of lab 2. Exercise class 6 (Nov 13)
  20. Lecture 14 (Nov 20, A. Hedin)
  21. Lecture 15 (Nov 22, A. Hedin)
  22.      - Exercise class 7 (Nov 27, A. Hedin)
  23. Lecture 16 (Nov 29, A. Hedin)
  24. Lecture 17 (Dec 4, A. Hedin)
  25.      - Exercise class 8 (Dec 6, A. Hedin)
Lectures and exercises by Erik Palmgren, or by Anton Hedin if so indicated.


Supplementary reading


During the exercise classes solutions to the following problem sets are presented and discussed. OLD EXAMS can be found here. Note: the course has changed several times, so not all problems may be relevant.The following problems are still relevant for this course Other kinds of problems, such as those treated in the course may appear.

Laboratory work

1. The main laboratory exercise is devoted to carrying out proofs in type theory with the help of the proof assistant Alfa/Agda.

2. The second obligatory exercise concerns automatic theorem proving in first order logic. You need to down load and install Prover9.


Obligatory hand-in problems and laboratory exercises. A written examination at the end of the course, on December 17, 2007. (Note change of day!)

Note: You may bring along and use all course literature, all hand-outs and all notes from the course during the written exam.



April 1, 2008, Erik Palmgren.