Lorenz attractor exists
There are three choices here:
- The Lorenz attractor
This is a revised version of my Ph.D. thesis. It also has all code
and initial data used for the proof.
- The Lorenz attractor
This is a short version (6 pages) of my Ph.D. thesis, which appeared in
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 328, Série I, p. 1197-1202, 1999
- A Rigorous ODE solver and
14th Problem
This is the most final extension of my thesis. It contains a completely
new core program, which will work for a general ODE in any dimension.
There are also a few
articles about my thesis:
- Brandt, S.
Schmetterlingseffekt bewiesen
meOme, Jan. 25, 2001
- Lasson, M. Med kaos i
Le Coq, No 4, 1998
- Lotsson, A. Räkna med kaos det
bästa vi kan göra
Computer Sweden, No 70, 1998
- Pacifico, M. J. The Lorenz
attractor exists
Featured Review, MatSciNet, 2001b:37051, 2001
- Sollerman, J. Svensk löste
matematisk utmaning
Dagens Nyheter, Aug. 15, 1998
- Stewart, I. The Lorenz
attractor exists
Nature, vol 406, No 6799, 948-949, 2000
- Tillemans, A. Chaos
mathematisch bewiesen!
Weltraum Forschung, Sept. 4, 2000
- Viana, M. What's New
on Lorenz' Strange Attractors?
Math. Intel., vol 22, No 3, 6-19, 2000
- Weisstein, E. Smale's
14th Problem Solved
Mathworld Headline News, February 13, 2002
- Lozi, R. La preuve
d'un certain chaos (1, 2)
La Recherche, No 337, December