Differential Topology

Thomas Kragh

  • The book "Differential Topology" by Guillemin & Pollack (from now on referred to as [GP]) is apparently out of production - so we will try an stick to Milnors book [M]. However, on occasion copies from [GP] (and possibly a few other books) will be provided
  • The course will start with some supplementary notes on abstract manifolds, which will be provided below as the lectures progress. If you see any errors or have questions please feel free to ask me (by email, at lectures or come by my office) - this will hopefully help improve the notes.
  • 20/5: The first complete version of the notes has been put on the webpage (link below as usual). Any further essential changes will be reported in the list below.

Exam and Note news:
  • The exam will take place on June 4th. It will be a 40 minute oral exam consisting of the following two parts:
    • First you will present an 8-10 minute presentation on some aspect of the course that you find is important. You are encouraged to show some insight into details about manifolds and/or details of one or more "tricks" we have used repeatedly in the course.
    • The first part may (due to me asking exploratory questions) take longer than 8-10min. However, the last remaning time will consist of me asking you questions from the curriculum.
  • There will be a reexam in August. However, as one can take this without having finished the hand in ansignment this will be 10 minutes longer, in which period the questions will center around the problems of the hand in assignment (see below).
  • The presentation is not supposed to be you copying some notes you wrote onto the blackboard. So if you bring a piece of paper please let it be no more than a short list for you to remember the order of which you will do things.
  • The new version of the notes from Friday the 31st has very minor changes: A sign error in Theorem 28.10 was changed, and some i(-)'s were added around z' in the proof of the tubular neighborhood theorem (thank you Anna for spotting these errors).

The following are the accumulated lecture notes: Don't print them (unless necessary) as updates occur continuously.
There is a version date at the top of the document.

The first hand in assignment:

Milnors book:

A few additional copies may be taken from:




Problem sessions: If we run out of problems I will lecture for the remaining time.