Exact Lagrangian immersions
with a single double point, with Ivan Smith, link
knots and exact Lagrangian cobordisms,
with Ko Honda and Tamas Kalman, link
Strings, D-Model, and Knot Contact Homology, with Mina Aganagic, Lenny Ng, and Cumrun Vafa, link
contact homology in the boundary of a subcritical Weinstein 4-manifold,
with Lenny Ng, link
Published and accepted
Exact Lagrangian immersions
with a single double point revisited, with Ivan
Smith, to appear in Math Ann, link
Constructing exact Lagrangian
immersions with few double points, with Yasha Eliashberg,
Emmy Murphy, and Ivan Smith, to appear in GAFA, link
Knot Contact Homology, with John Etnyre, Lenny Ng,
and Michael Sullivan, Geometry and Topology 17 (2013) 975-1112, link
Filtrations on the knot contact homology
of transverse knots, with John Etnyre, Lenny Ng, and Michael Sullivan, Math. Ann. 355 (2013) 1561–1591, link
Effect of Legendrian
surgery, with Frederic Bourgeois
and Yakov Eliashberg,
Geometry and Topology 16 (2012) 301-391, link
6. Rational SFT, linearized Legendrian contact homology, and Lagrangian Floer cohomology, Perspectives in analysis, geometry, and topology, 109-145, Progr. Math. 296 (2012), Birkhäuser/Springer, New York, link
Symplectic homology product via Legendrian surgery, with Frederic Bourgeois and Yakov
Eliashberg, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 108 (2011) 8114-8121, link
Singular Seifert surfaces and Smale
invariants of a family of 3-sphere immersions, with Masamichi Takase,
Bullentin of LMS 43 (2) (2011) 251-266., link
Compactness for holomorphic curves with switching Lagrangian boundary conditions, with Kai Cieliebak and Janko Latschev, J. Symplectic Geom. 8 (2010) no. 3, 267-298, link
A version of Rational SFT for Exact Lagrangian Cobordisms in 1-Jet
Spaces, CRM Proceedings and Lecture Notes 49
(2009) 173-199 pdf-file
A Duality Exact Sequence for Legendrian
Contact Homology, with John B. Etnyre
and Joshua M. Sabloff; Duke Mathematical Journal, 150 (2009) no. 1, 1-75 link
Isotopies of
Legendrian 1-knots and Legendrian
2-tori, with
Tamas Kalman; Journal of Symplectic Geometry 6 (2008), no. 4, 407-460 link
Rational Symplectic Field
Theory over Z2 for exact Lagrangian cobordisms; Journal of European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 10 (2008), no. 3,
641-704 link
Cobordisms of
fold maps and maps with a prescribed number of cusps, with Andras Szucs and Tamas Terpai; Kyusju
Journal of Mathematics 61, no 2, 395-414 (2007) link
A note on Reeb dynamics on
the tight 3-sphere,
with Frederic Bourgeois and Kai Cieliebak;
Journal of Modern Dynamics 1, no 4, 597-613 (2007) link
Morse flow trees and Legendrian
contact homology in 1-jet spaces; Geometry and Topology 11, 1083-1224 (2007) link
contact homology in PxR, with John Etnyre
and Michael Sullivan; Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 359,
no 7, 3301-3335 (2007) link
Regular homotopy and total
curvature. I. Circle immersions into surfaces; Algebraic and
Geometric Topology 6, 459-492 (2006) link
Regular homotopy and total
curvature. II. Sphere immersions into 3-space; Algebraic and
Geometric Topology 6, 493-512 (2006) link
Double points of exact Lagrangian
immersions; Clay Mathematics Proceedings 5, 181-191 (2006)
21. Orientations in contact homology and double points of exact Lagrangian immersions, with J. Etnyre and M. Sullivan; Internat. J. Math. 16, no 5, 453-532 (2005) link
Non-isotopic Legendrian submanifolds in R2n+1 with J. Etnyre and M. Sullivan; Journal of Differential Geometry 71,
no 1, 85-128 (2005) link
The contact homology of Legendrian
submanifolds in R2n+1, with
J. Etnyre and M. Sullivan; Journal of Differential
Geometry 71, no 2, 177-305 (2005) link
The group of immersions of homotopy
(4k-1)-spheres, with A. Szucs; Bullentin of LMS 38, no 1, 163-176 (2005) ps-file
Invariants of knots, embeddings,
and immersions via contact geometry, with J. Etnyre;
Fields Institue Communications 47, 77-96
(2005) link
26. Total curvature of curves with cusps and of surface maps, with F. Kutzschebauch; Math. Scand. 96, no 2, 224--242 (2005) ps-file
Minimizing singularities of planar disks with immersed
boundaries, with O. Larsson; Arkiv for Matematik 43, no 2, 347-364 (2005) ps-file
28. Geometric formulas for Smale invariants of codimension two immersions, with A. Szucs; Topology 42, no 1, 171-196 (2003). link
The complex shade of a real space, and its
applications ; Algebra i Analiz 14, no 2, 56-91 (2002) link
30. Framed holonomic knots, with M. Wolff; Algebr. Geom. Topol. 2, 449-463 (2002) link
31. On the triple points of singular maps, with A. Szucs; Comment. Math. Helv. 77, no 2, 408-414 (2002) ps-file
32. Embeddedness of minimal surfaces with total boundary curvature at most 4pi, with B. White and D. Wienholtz; Ann. of Math. (2) 155, no 1, 209-234 (2002) link
Invariants of generic immersions ; Pacific J.
Math. 199, no 2, 321-345 (2001) link
Differential 3-knots in 5-space with and without
self-intersections ; Topology 40, no 1, 157-196 (2001) link
Total curvatures of holonomic
links, with
O. Weistrand; J. Knot Theory Ramifications 9,
no 7, 893-906 (2000) link
Self-intersection surfaces, regular homotopy, and finite order invariants;
Algebra i Analiz 11,
250-272 (1999); translation in St. Petersburg Math. J. 11, 909-929
(2000) ps-file
Regular homotopy and Vassiliev invariants of generic immersions Sk \to R2k-1,
k \le 4; J. Knot Theory Ramifications 7, 1041-1064
(1998) ps-file
38. Immersions in the metastable range and spin structures on surfaces; Math. Scand. 83, no 1, 5-41 (1998) ps-file
Auxiliary on mathematics
· Knots and Bernoulli numbers; preprint (1999), after this paper was written I found out that the same results had been obtained by J. F. Hughes and P.M. Melvin, The Smale invariant of a knot; Comment. Math. Helv. 60, 615-627 (1985). ps-file
Short geodesic loops on surfaces;
undergraduate thesis (1994), ps-file
· Knutar och total krokning; a popular text on Milnor's famous result: if the total curvature of a closed space curve is less than 4pi then the curve is unknotted (Swedish), Normat 55 (2007), no. 4, 145-156, 192. pdf-file
Course material; basic
Riemannian geometry and the heat kernel (2002) ps-file
Course material; basic
Riemannian geometry (1997) ps-file
On subjects other than mathematics
1. Algorithm for generating a Brownian motion on a sphere , with T. Carlsson and C. Elvingson ; J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 43 505001, pdf-file (preprint version)
2. Brownian
dynamics simulations on a hypersphere in 4-space, with J. Nissfolk and C. Elvingson;
Journal of Chemical Physics 119, no 13, 6423-6432 (2003) journal
3. Computer simulations of polymer chain structure and dynamics on a hypersphere in four-space, with P-J. Rasmark and C. Elvingson; Journal of Chemical Physics 122, no 18, 184110 (2005) journal