Bibliography of Christer Oscar Kiselman


Christer Oscar Kiselman

The bibliography is also available as a pdf file.

1. Theses

2. Mathematics

2.1. Mathematical publications

2.2. Popularization of science

The items 77-5, 86-2, 89-1, 89-2, 97-2, 03-1, 07-1, 08-2, 08-4, 12-2, 14-1, 17-1, 17-4, 18-2, 21-1, 21-2, and 21-3 listed above, as well as 15-ii below, represent attempts at popularizing mathematics.

2.3. Festschrift edited by Mikael Passare

The proceedings of the Kiselmanfest in May, 2006, is available at

The title of the book is Complex Analysis and Digital Geometry. Proceedings from the Kiselmanfest, 2006. It contains a survey of my mathematics, written by Mikael Passare.

2.4. Three mathematical papers accepted for publication

2.5. An unpublished manuscript

3. Linguistics

3.1. Published papers on languages

4. Other papers

4.1. Publications

5. Lecture Notes and Reports

6. Editorial Work

7. An unpublished short story

Christer Oscar Kiselman
Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology
P. O. Box 337
SE-751 05 Uppsala, Sweden
Cell telephone: +46 708 870 708. Home telephone: +46 8 393001.

Last modified 2022 May 29. To Christer's home page.